• 30 Days of Confessions - Day 21

    Day 21: Blog Suggestion from a Domme friend: Being a Mommy & a Little

    I am not personally a mommy [yet] but I am a step-mommy & have been several times. It's hard when you go into Little space & want to be alone but you know you have three kids [or two; I've never had a boyfriend with less than two] to take care of. Grocery shopping, cleaning, cooking, breaking up fights between an 8 & 13 year old over the remote because one wants to watch Spongebob & the other wants to watch wrestling or something (their daddy was usually the tie breaker for that & they each usually won equally even though he couldn't stand Spongebob), having to be big when you are in Little space is extremely hard & forces you to hide the parts of you, that really want to come out, around your children.

    The easy part is when your beautiful, red headed, 6 yr old step-daughter wants to color or play dolls & you are all "hell yeah!" in your head but you play with her innocently like it's a mommy duty when secretly it makes you happy too. That is the kind of thing that makes you ravage your man after the kids are in bed & he is happy & fed after work. I was always so happy when my Bethany wanted to play toys or Tiff & Heather wanted to play video games with me. Their daddies always reaped the benefits of that. Bethany's daddy would give in to my Little side some nights & dominate me & I LOVED it! 

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