Par E.W.sLittle le 4 April 2013 à 01:00
Day 28: Meeting Daddy
Today is the day I meet EW face to face. I am SO nervous! Woke up at 4:30 am with nervous indigestion. Daddy has continued to call & let me know where he is so I don't worry
He is so sweet!
He is showing up early so we can spend time together before I go to school. I am so excited! I love Daddy so much from all the time we have spent on Skype & through texting the last two weeks that my nerves are shot today. I have been wanting to meet Daddy for three years & today is finally the day!
After meeting Daddy: Today was so wonderful. Daddy got here at 11:30am & took me to A&W for lunch. Then we went to our hotel, Super 8, made love & took a nap. I had school at 5:30pm so Daddy dropped me off at school, I zipped through my final & called him to pick me up. He met half my friends then took me out for dinner around 9pm. I had steak & pancakes at IHop. We came back to the room, made love again & Daddy made me go to bed at 10pm. I probably didn't fall asleep until 11pm & even then, I've been up half the night tossing & turning.
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Par E.W.sLittle le 3 April 2013 à 01:00
Day 27: Blog Suggestion: Favorite Treats/ Rewards for Being Good? Feared Punishments?
I think my ultimate favorite (& cheapest) reward for doing something EW likes is when He calls me His good girl. Those two words just make me melt! I think some other rewards or treats I would enjoy would be my favorite candy, a new "toy" of my choice, a trip (even a small one) with EW anywhere I want, cuddle time, "play-time," cartoons, color time, and video games. That's all I can think of right now.
Punishments I fear most are EW's bad spankings & corner time. I love being Little but I don't like the corner. I try not to be bratty so EW won't put me there. I love being spanked but I like the good spanks, during play time. I don't like the bad spanks for being naughty. I am usually a pretty good girl though.
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Par E.W.sLittle le 2 April 2013 à 01:00
Day 26: Blog Suggestion: The Best Connection Between The Little in Me & The Daddy in EW. Worst connection?
Hmm.. I think the best connection we have is our "telepathy." We know when one is hurting or sad, we know when one needs comfort, we know pretty much what the other is thinking & can pretty much predict what the other is going to do or say. We have even developed little inside jokes that I love!
Also, probably the fact that I get to let out a side of me that I have kept hidden away for so many years, I get to express the child in myself that I enjoy & usually get weird looks or reactions for & EW gets to let his Dom side free as well. He gets to be Himself & have what He wants in life & in choice of women. EW, as I've said in previous entries, has been chasing me for three years. It took a lot of convincing but, I finally agreed to date him.
I think the worst connection we have is our lack of understanding & communication sometimes. One of us will say something & the other will take it wrong or our brains won't function & we'll say something that will hurt the other at the wrong time & in a way that was not meant to be hurtful.
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Par E.W.sLittle le 1 April 2013 à 01:00
Day 25: Blog Suggestion: How I Feel My Family Would React if They Found Out About My Little Side
I honestly think they would react negatively. I'm afraid they would see the bruises & think EW is beating me, which He is not. I intend to tell my mother, grandmother & sister even though I am afraid of their reaction. I mean, they are going to eventually see the collar anyway. How else would I explain why I wear a collar with an ownership tag with EW's name on it?
I don't know how they would react. I would hope they will ask questions & try to understand what our dynamic really entails before judging us. I hope they won't take one look at my collar & think that EW is controlling or abusive. He is neither of those things. He is loving, compassionate, romantic, sweet, fun loving, goofy, fun to talk to, a good listener, a geek [which is hot], has a great sense of humor & He would never do anything to intentionally cause me harm. In fact, He would go to great lengths to see that nothing ever causes me harm.
I hope my family will understand that what EW & I have is based on love, trust, compassion, respect & a mutual agreement & attraction.
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Par E.W.sLittle le 31 March 2013 à 01:00
Day 24: Blog Suggestion from Daddy: Biggest Fear About Being in a BDSM Relationship
I don't have too many fears. I am pretty prepared. I do fear a few things. I fear that once I'm in it, I'm not going to like some of the things that sound good to me now. I fear that I might forget my safe word during a scene & just say no, which will not make EW stop whatever He is doing & I will end up pushed beyond what I can handle although, EW is very intuitive. I can text Him & without even seeing my face, He knows when it's not a good day.
I think my biggest fears are losing people when they find out. I have a lot of friends & family & I'm afraid some of them won't understand. I'm afraid that if I try to explain our dynamic, my friends will think I'm weird & I will lose them. I'm afraid that my family & friends will think He forced me into the lifestyle & try to get me away from Him, which won't happen. I guess what other people think is probably my biggest fear. That & not having people I can actually talk to about the good & bad things that have to do with our relationship, besides EW.
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