Par E.W.sLittle le 13 March 2013 à 21:58
Day 6: My view on LGBT
I think gays are great! Gay, bisexual, lesbians... Love em all! Why? Because they are no different than me. I have several gay guy friends & a couple of lesbian friends & they eat, sleep & shit just like everyone else. The only difference is who they LOVE & there is NOTHING wrong with it!
I would rather go shopping with Brad, Shawn or Rob over my girls, anyday. They will tell you the truth instead of letting you buy some hideous top or pair of pants that makes you look fat. If something looks like hell, they will tell you it looks like hell. If something looks fabulous, they will make you laugh by doing the FABULOUS! thing. I have conversations with these guys from time to time & I have never had better friends.
Gay guys will go above & beyond the normal expectations of a man & it's not because they understand women, they are gay for a reason! It's because they are not trying to get in your pants. Same with lesbians, although if you are a woman, they probably are trying to get in your pants. But they will do the same for a man because they don't want to sleep with them. It's because they have big hearts & are misunderstood.
As for gay marriage, I think it should be legalized everywhere. Gay people have just as many right to be in love & get married as straight people. I hate the people who say "God made Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve" For fucks sake, how naive can you be!?! I believe in God but love has no gender, you pathetic bible thumper!
I fully support the LGBT community because I want to be accepted in my BDSM community. Why are these things so taboo? Because people are shallow & closed minded. Grow up!
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Par E.W.sLittle le 12 March 2013 à 16:38
Day 5: My sexuality
My sexuality is simple. I am a straight, submissive, collared, & owned Little. I am also a woman who has a lot of needs. I need to be dominated. I need to be cuddled. I need to be spoiled in every aspect of the word.
I. Love. Sex!
I have loved sex since I was eleven. I am going on fifteen years of being a sexual person & I am not ashamed at all. The only thing I am ashamed of is how many people I have been sexual with. I wish I could have waited, I wish I could have been in love until I lost my virginity, I wish I could go back in time & say no more. Now, I am in love with a wonderful man who doesn't even care about the number of men I have been with sexually. I wish I could have waited for Him & gone to Him four years ago. Now, we are together & I am never letting that go.
I love you Daddyno comment
Par E.W.sLittle le 12 March 2013 à 15:54
I bought myself some binkies yesterday but they are too small so I have to take them back & Daddy & I were comparing awkwardness at the store stories last night. Daddy won.
I told him it was awkward to walk through the baby section & buy binkies when I clearly did not have a child with me & that I love the look I was given by the cashier. He told me he made my tag for my collar at PetSmart & with it already being awkward doing it in the store, the lady behind him in line whispered to her husband, "Why don't you ever do something like that for me?" I lmao'd.
You win the awkwardness this time, Daddy!
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Par E.W.sLittle le 11 March 2013 à 11:00
Day 4: My sex history (with whom, when, where, what positions)
This is going to be a LONG one. I have been with a LOT of people!
Aaron Holmstrom
Adam Cook
Adam Green
Adam Hutton
Adam Schultz
Andrew McQuiston: back seat of an SUV
Andrew Miller
Aric:half of my first 3some
Aron Dyslund
Austin Gustafson
Billy Bilquist
Billy Lindsley: camper
Brandon VanDrisse: Halloween store
Brandon Wendt
Byron Gross
Chad Herman: half of my first 3someChad Poirier: gravel pit, beach bathroom, back seat of moving car, woods in winter, part of a 3some, camping, river
Chris Kuhl
Chris Polzin
Chris Waters
Cody Dahle
Corey Snyder
Cory Hardcastle
Craig Johnson
Dan Rodewald
Darren Brooks
Darren Thibedeau: part of a 3some
Dave: my virginity
Dave Sloan
Dave Townsend
Dave Waroff
David Paul
Dean Dettman
Dennis King: woods
Derek Nicklas
Devin Long: part of a 3some
Donald Holmes: camping
Donovan Gilbert
Eric Jacobs
Eric McKee
Eric Webb
Gary Prince
Hit N Run
Jack Davis
Jake Burke: behind the lifeguard stand on the beach
Jake Nelson
Jake Sternitzky
James Thayer
James Sanford
Jamie R
Jason (2009): part of a 3some
Jason (2012)
Jason Flores
Jason Waterhouse
Jason Womack
Jason Wuellner
Jay Dark
Jay Oshkosh
Jay Spooner: cab of a truck
Jeff Brady
Jeff Custer: backseat of a van, bedroom, couch, chair
Jeff Woelz
Jeremiah Paquin
Jerry Rodewald
Joe Timblin
Joe Trott
Joe Foulghts
Joe Richter
Joe Wood
Joey Castro
John Boncimino
Jon Minor
Jordan Harshman
Jordan Nelson
Josh Foulghts
Josh H
Josh Robarge: part of a 3some
Josh Windham
Justin Ingram
Justin Layton
Kegan Frye
Keith King
Ken Brunette
Ken Schultz
Kent Schultz
Kevin Dettman
Kevin Walton: part of a 3some
Kyle Horstman
Kyle Johnson
Kyle Tollefson
Lanie Rodewald
Larry Bronstad
Luciano Lucio
Matt Ackley
Matt (One night stand)
Marcus Olson: my first blowjob
Micah O'Neill
Mike Allen
Mike Gorka
Mike Holmstrom
Mike Lewis
Mike Mex
Mike Schlafer
Mitch Foss
Nate Krentz
Nate Kringle
Nate Tietz
Nick Johnson
Nick Schultz
Patrick Irvine
Patrick Jeffrey
Paul Hurt
Paul Pamperin
Randy Nitschke
Ray Metz
Rodney Hutton
Ruben Allen
Scott Andrews
Scott Micheal
Scott Rocarek
Scott Rowe
Shaun (Cape Canaveral)
Shaun Thomas
Steven Hedke
Tim Christopherson
Travis Netz
Trent Woodman
Zac ReeseI don't remember when, where or what positions except my firsts and 3somes. That's a lot of people to remember. .
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Par E.W.sLittle le 11 March 2013 à 10:01
Day 3: My stories about masturbation and losing my virginity
I'm going to start with losing my virginity. I was eleven. My mom had just kicked my dad out of the house & went away for the weekend with her new boyfriend. My sister, brother & I were supposed to stay with our grandparents but I convinced my grandpa to let me stay home by myself. I was chatting online with a guy from the southern part of the state & we had made plans to meet. I told him I was 16. My best friend at the time & I went to meet him at the gas station across the highway from the trailer court I lived in & rode with him back to my house. He brought beer & we had a little candlelit picnic in the living room. After a few beers, the three of us went back to my mom's bedroom. My best friend gave him a backrub so I left the room. She came out into the living room about 15 minutes later & said he wanted me so I went back to my mom's room. He gave me a backrub & started to kiss on me. I rolled over & kissed him on the mouth. He put his hand up my shirt & being a virgin, I started to get a little scared. He calmed my fears, kissed all the way down my body & ate my pussy. It was fantastic! He came back up & kissed me & that is when he started fucking me. I was in ecstacy. I didn't know what was really going on; just that it felt great & I didn't want it to end. He only lasted a few minutes but to my young, virgin body it felt like hours. We had sex two or three times more that night. He left the next morning & I never heard from him again.
I think I was masturbating before I lost my virginity. I remember nights of sitting online at late hours while my mom slept & my dad was out drinking & talking dirty with people. I was young. I didn't really know what I was doing. I remember using the microphone for our computer as my first "toy." After I lost my virginity, I didn't maturbate again until I was 17 & in a long distance relationship. We would have phone sex almost every night. I stopped masturbating for years & started up again when I got married at 19. He taught me that masturbation wasn't gross like I thought. I learned from him that I didn't need to sleep around to have pleasure & if I learned what I liked, I could please myself. My number of sexual partners went way down after that & to this day, I am only sleeping with one man now but in the last couple years I've averaged only a few people a year. I thank my ex-husband for that
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