Par E.W.sLittle le 11 March 2013 à 09:50
Day 2: My view on sex and morality
My views on sex & morality... I really don't know how to start or really answer this one. My views on sex are easy. Sex is great! Sex is a form of expression between two people who love each other & it is the most intimate thing you can do with someone. It is letting go of all inhibitions & allowing yourself to be seen & felt in the most raw sense.
How morality relates to that, I'm not sure how to answer that. In my mind, there are things that are okay & not okay morally. My morals lay in BDSM. I think it is okay to be controlled to a point & have the aspects that a DD/lg relationship provides whereas, for example, my family, would have a conipsion if they knew what I allowed in my bedroom & my relationship.
There are only a few things I think are morally wrong when it comes to sex. Being in a few abusive relationships has brought me to never allow choking, beating, slapping, gags & being bound with ropes around my whole body. I am okay with handcuffs, being tied to the bed, spanking & trying new things.
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Par E.W.sLittle le 8 March 2013 à 16:43
Day 1: Introduction (self and reason for having this blog/ doing this challenge)
I am a little. I have always been a little deep inside, just never allowed to express it in my other relationships. I am 5'2", short brown hair, brown eyes & I am a BBW. I pride myself on being a bigger girl & EW, a.k.a my Daddy, has no complaints
I created my DD/lg blogs to explore a whole new world (go ahead & think Aladdin)
. EW has been my best friend for the last four years & when He asked me to date Him (again; for the hundreth time), I said yes. I figured I could trust Him, I knew I could confide in Him & I knew He would never hurt me. I mean c'mon, the guys been chasing me for four years! Also, I realized how I had been in love with Him all this time & was too immature to be ready for the kind of long term, monogamous relationship He wanted. It really made me think about how much I've grown up in the last four years. I guess pain & suffering will do that.
Anyway, we started to talk about the DD/lg thing & I was unsure of it for about a week. I did a lot of research like EW told me to before I made my decision. Once I learned that it was more about love & nurturing in the [DD/lg] aspect, I was okay with it. EW & I had days of talk about it before I made my final decision. I finally let Him know about a week after W/we started dating when I made my Tumblr. We talked on Skype that night & I gave Him the link to my Tumblr. I have never seen such a big smile on EW's face. He was so happy to finally have me.
The reason I am doing this challenge I guess is I love writing and I want to learn a little more about the little inside of me by really thinking about things.
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Par E.W.sLittle le 8 March 2013 à 06:40
Daddy was supposed to come see me this weekend but the stupid IRS didn't send His roommate her taxes. She was going to give Him the money to come down here to be with me for the weekend since He used all of his money for bills and household stuff. Only four more weeks & my semester at school will be over then Daddy & I get to be together forever.
He is going to pick me up on my last day of school, W/we are getting a hotel room for the weekend in Florida because Daddy has never been to the beach and have LOTS of Daddy/Little playtime.
I worry all the time about Daddy though. I worry about the distance & the loneliness. Daddy says He will never be unfaithful to me but I worry so much because I don't want to lose Him & I have been hurt a lot lately.
I am just over thinking things I guess. I hate being in little space when I have to be big. I have been in constant little space lately. Daddy's texts & Skypes are the only thing that keep me going through big girl world. I just can't wait until He is here so I can hold Him & snuggle Him.
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Par E.W.sLittle le 8 March 2013 à 06:30
My blog contains images and text only suitable for those who are 18+. Most of these pictures/ writings are NSFW & are re-blogged or found on the internet & assumed to be public domain; I do not own any unless otherwise stated.
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