Par E.W.sLittle le 18 March 2013 à 01:00
Day 11: My sexual fears/ no-no’s
I don't have a lot of no-no's. I have pretty much done it all. There are some things that I consider hard limits though. I don't like swallowing cum but I told Daddy I would try for Him.
I won't allow my body to be bound. I don't mind handcuffs or having my hands held by my wrists above my head but I won't allow my breasts or anything else to be bound.
I don't like anal. I have tried it more times than I can count & it hurts way too damn much! I like my ass played with but not penetrated.
I don't want to use anything that will make me bleed.
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Par E.W.sLittle le 17 March 2013 à 01:00
Day 10: My favorite sources of porn
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Par E.W.sLittle le 16 March 2013 à 11:55
Day 9: Daddy and Little
Well, I have mentioned EW in several of my blogs now so I guess there is not much more I can say until I meet Him face to face.
EW is one of the sweetest, most loving, caring, kind and gentle man I have ever been with or met in my life. He provides for me, loves me for what & who I am & would never think about changing anything about me. He is my soul-mate. I love him more than anyone I have ever loved before. He is my rock & I am His little.
I have never been happier in a relationship in my whole life than I am right now. I would be able to say more if EW & I were physically together. And I will blog more when EW & I are finally physically together. <3
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Par E.W.sLittle le 15 March 2013 à 10:09
Day 8: BDSM
I am VERY new to the BDSM community but I am learning very quickly, more & more, every day from EW. He is a wonderful teacher & mentor. Although we can't physically be together right now, it gives Him a chance to teach me verbally. He corrects me just like He would if we were physically together. He guides me, takes my best interests into consideration, helps me when I need it & comforts me when I need it too.
I became interested in BDSM almost six months ago to the day. I was [unknowingly] in a BDSM relationship with my ex-husband but we only played our roles in the bedroom. I didn't know anything of the BDSM community at that time, I was only 19. I learned a lot from my ex- Daddy physically that I never knew would come in handy in the future. I may feel like a fool sometimes calling EW "Daddy" over the internet or through text but I know for a fact, in the throughs of passion, it will come naturally.
I am trying to condition myself to do it all the time right now but I forget a lot. EW doesn't have a problem with that. He doesn't correct me if I call him baby, sweetheart, babe, baby-cakes or honey bear. He likes those nicknames actually. He knows that I am still getting used to being in a DD/lg relationship & that it is going to take me some time to adjust.
I just can't wait for the next two weeks because EW & I are moving in together, forever. I love EW so much!
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Par E.W.sLittle le 14 March 2013 à 10:00
Day 7: My view on nude photography
I don't have a problem with nude photography. I admire some of these girls that do it for a living.
I take nude pictures but only send them to EW & they stay private. I have some public pictures but the best ones, stay hidden with EW. I don't even keep them. I take them & send them to Him then delete them myself so they don't end up in the wrong hands
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